Tuesday, 17 January 2012

15. Pearl & Dean

The Pearl and Dean is primarily a british cinema advertising company. They basically sell advertisements to the british cinemas prior to a movie. I am briefly going to talk about the way they categorize their audience.
So they have three categories of audience which are further divided into Age, Gender and Class:

  • 15+ : These are for young upmarket teenager. The majority of this market is between the age group of 15-24. There are more ABC1's therefore there is a high market a they are the so called higher class, and there are slightly more female audiences than men.
  • Family:These are mainly housewives and young children. There is an equal number of audience members throughout the age groups of 7-14, 15-34 and 34+. There is a much higher majority of ABC1', compared to C2DE. and there are about 56 % female audiences compared to the 44%of male audience.
  • The Art House i the final category is fr slightly older people and consists of a lot of ABC1. About 63% of 34+ aged people are in this category. They are almost only ABC1 and there are an equal number of male and female members.

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